Container Text

The descriptions of each prop used in this example are as follows:

Container widget props:

  • alignment: Sets the alignment of child elements within the container. positions the child elements at the center.
  • decoration: Defines the style of the container. BoxDecoration is used to set the background color, border, and the style of the border’s edges.
    • border: Border.all is used to apply a border to all sides. The color is “black”, and the width is 3px.
    • borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10) is used to round the edges. The value in the parentheses represents the radius of the corners.
    • color: Sets the background color. In this example, it is set to “yellow”.

Text widget props:

  • style: Defines the style of the text. TextStyle is used to set the text color and font size.
    • color: Sets the color of the text. In this example, it is set to “blue”.
    • fontSize: Sets the size of the text. In this example, it is set to 30.

These settings allow users to freely adjust the appearance and layout of the widget.